The Cuban National Anthem was composed by Pedro (Perucho) Figueredo and orchestrated by Maestro Manuel Muñoz Cedeño. Born as The Bayamesa, or Hymn of Bayamo was sang for the first time on Thursday, June 11, 1868, on the Central Church (Iglesia Mayor), in Bayamo, Cuba. On October the 10th began the Ten Years' War. On October 18, the patriotic army started taking Bayamo and, right before midnight, on October the 20th, they signed the capitulation of the Spanish forces. Then this hymn became popular and the
cuban people took it as his call to fight for the freedom of the motherland. Is the song more beloved by the Cubans, here and there, a battle song that identifies our war culture, which inflame our spirit to fight using a pen, a blog or a machete.
English Lyrics:
To the battle, oh Bayamo’s people,
your homeland proudly sees you
no have to fear a glorious death,
cause to die for the country is to live.
To live chained is to live
plunged in the shame and dishonor;
you can hear the sound of the clarion
to the arms, braves ones, to the arms.
Spanish Lyrics:
Al combate corred bayameses
que la patria os comtempla orgullosa
no temais una muerte gloriosa
que morir por la patria es vivir.
En cadenas vivir es vivir
en afrenta y oprobio sumidos
del clarin escuchad el sonido
a las armas valientes corred.
copyright 2009
That was a wonderful interpretation of the Cuban Anthem by the Navy Band. Thanks...